Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Evil House of Spirits

I recently e-mailed the vc about the latest onslaught of blight caused by the evil House of Spirits (EHOS) liquor store up the street. It seems we have a vagrant named "Mr. Cleveland" who has been passed out on the sidewalk pretty much nightly for the past couple weeks. He likes to sit on a little planter on the side of the house across the street of the EHOS, to the dismay of the house's owners.

He never seems to be more than a block from the EHOS. I decided to document this situation. All these photos were taken on Saturday, August 16th, 2005.

Here is a picture of Mr. Cleveland, in his usual state.

Here are some pictures showing the two empty bottles of Wild Irish Rose on the sidewalk next to Mr. Cleveland.

I attempt to discourage Mr. Cleveland from hanging around in my neighborhood by standing a few feet away and looking at him. I never speak to him. This drives him crazy, he starts ranting. Sometimes he actually leaves, but other times he can't walk well enough to leave. On this day he decided to leave, and he declared he was going to call a cab. He stumbled across the street to the EHOS.

Don't you wish you had the EHOS up the street from your house?

A short while later, Mr. Cleveland emerges from the EHOS with a brand new bottle of Mad Dog 20/20! The EHOS is selling alcohol to a guy so drunk he can hardly walk!

This is the guy who runs the EHOS. He saw that I was taking pictures of all this and he came out to have some words with me. So I took a picture of him, too.

Here is Mr. Cleveland waiting for his cab.

Waiting for a cab is hard work. It can make you thirsty.

At this point, I called the cops. After three calls in a time period of about 40 minutes, a police cruiser was stopped at the traffic light. I flagged them down and they apprehended Mr. Cleveland with open container in hand as he was entering the EHOS to hide. It seems the police are acquainted with Mr. Cleveland, and they apparently don't like to bother him. I think Mr. Cleveland should pass out on their block sometime.


Anonymous said...

How come we don't get to see pictures of the Police? What did the EHOS guy say to you?


Blogger seems to want you to post anonymously, or create your own blog to get an identity. Also, I noticed the next blog button sends you to a blog with two posts. What is interesting is the comments are all blog spam.


Drew Roth said...

Because I didn't take any pictures of the police.

The EHOS guy told me that Mr. Cleveland is 80 years old, nearly blind, and very sick. The implication was I should not be bothering him. None of this stops the EHOS from selling him booze until he can't lift himself out of the gutter.

Anonymous said...

My dear Mr. Drew, I'm your friend because I adore Money and now that I've moved back to white bread America (from whence I came), I miss seeing Monkey and you and your wife, as well as your recumbent bike (and so does Murphy). However, I don't miss the Evil House of Spirits. You can generate a response from the police by sending them copies of this blog, and also copying the Liquor Board, the news media, the community association as well as the Mayor's office. Follow that up with phone calls to see whose desk the info landed upon and what are their plans for resolution. Ever since 9/11 during which time I observed delight in the EVHOS (they have a satellite with Al Jazeerah civerage) I've wondered if they were some cell. That I was never able to ascertain.