Monday, September 11, 2006

Max Comes Home

Today Max comes home. It's goodbye to the plastic tub at the hospital.

He looks so tiny in the infant car seat.

Here he is all bundled away in the back of the MINI. That's my blanket he's wrapped in. From when I was a baby. My sister Mandy brought it when she came out to visit a month ago. I unwrapped it, and thought "I've seen this before, I think." She said she found it packed away in some boxes, and she found a picture of me as an infant lying on it.


Here's Max Fussbucket Roth coming home for the first time. He was hungry.

Now he's sleeping next to me in my chair. He wakes up now and again and waves his arms around.

1 comment:

llamoure said...

Max is such a cutey. Deb you look great too! Lots of :) over here for the three of you.