Friday, September 09, 2005

Waterfront Hotel - Review

Debra and I went out to dinner tonight. I thought I'd write a review.

We went to the Waterfront Hotel. It used to be the Waterfront Hotel was a regular Fells Point place with some loser playing guitar for people who drove down from Towson. But Debra's suburbanite cow-orkers were down here for a conference, and they reported back to her that they went to "some dive bar" in Fells Point that had remarkably good food.

This triggered Debra's memory that we had been talking to Ben a couple months ago at the Red Star, where he has a stake. Ben used to have a place called "The Planet on the Corner" that was a couple doors down from us. He had great food. We used to eat there every other night (take-out due to the cancerous death fumes in the establishment). We loved the Planet. But it went away because Miss Darlene the landlady who lived upstairs didn't like the noise and she used to call the cops with noise complaints on her own tenants, so the story goes. Anyway, when we saw Ben a couple months ago, he said he had bought the Waterfront Hotel, which had been closed for awhile.

Debra and I went to check it out. Downstairs was pool tables and a cancerous haze. We went to the dining room upstairs which was very nice.

We were saying "this is very Ben", because the paintings on the walls were just like the Planet and there were board games in the cabinet on the side. There used to be a piano and a guitar in the the back of the Planet, and I remember we went in there one night with some musical friends and commenced to singing every truck driver song we knew.

The view from the dining room was first rate.

Baltimore has been invaded by South Beach Trendy Food. Ceviche.

I love ceviche. I can't believe ceviche is appearing on every menu in Fells Point all of a sudden.

I have tried ceviche in three Baltimore places so far. The Waterfront Hotel ranks #2. It is good but not so authentic. It is cooked for one thing. It is served on SLAW! Good grief.

El Trouvador on Broadway is the best so far. It is actually raw as it should be. Last is Carolina's Tex Mex, which is all cooked and had salmon for fish. Get real.

At the Waterfront, my entree was Ahi Tuna, which I ate most of before I remembered to take a picture. It was the bomb. Debra got the smoked chicken on pasta with sun-dried tomatos (which looked like rat brains). It was very good. But the tuna is the bomb.

All in all, we were delighted and we are so glad the Food of the Planet is back. Maybe there will be blancas as a special some day. I miss the blancas.

Happy happy happy.

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